I Really Don't Like Chaos

Here are the some what short notes of the past 2 days.

-I was ahead of the traffic yesterday when picking her up.
-Was told I could not be in the building by the classroom to get her, I needed to go outside by the curb pick up.
-Heard an announcement that made me think she was going to come out the front doors.
-Discovered that was just bus children.
-Back to the breezeway with about 50 other parents, kids coming out in lines, teachers hollering for parents to move back so the kids could come through, no one really moving, kids trying to make their way through, just chaos and confusion.
-Finally get her and decide it would be best to stay in my car tomorrow and pick her up at the curb. There are 4 kindy classes and I am sure all those parents where kindy parents. Hopefully they will do the same to avoid the chaos from yesterday.

-Head out early this morning to avoid the rush, one of the first cars in the lot at 7:15.
-Walked her by the car loop to show her how the kids were getting out of cars and we went through the doors she came out yesterday as her class is right next to them. ** After Labor day parents are not allowed to take their kids into the school so she has to learn how to the drop off/pick up thing.**

-Walked into her class about 7:35 where the teacher told her that the school bell didn't ring yet. -I flat out told her that just like picking her up yesterday I had no idea where we needed to be or what we were suppose to do, where was she suppose to go when I drop her off at the curb (no teachers were in that area when we walked by). She said that kindy lines up at the front of the school.


-Back out the doors, by the car loop, so I could explain to Cam that we did it wrong and show her the right way. She was going to have to go to the front of the school and stand in line outside until the school bell rang at 7:45. There was one teacher with a kindy sign, 2 rough line of kids and some parents.
-Bell rings, we follow in line and Cam shows ME how to get to her class and I make her put her stuff in her cubby by herself.
-She didn't want to go to school this morning and she was a little whiny when we got there, but no tears and no clinging to me this morning. We walked to her desk and she was excited to show me her supply box that was in her desk. They had a picture to color while the kids came in just like yesterday. I was able to leave her with no problems.

Aside from being a little frustrated about not knowing where to go and what to do, I was a little concerned that I had to help another child find her classroom. While Cam was putting her stuff away a little tinny girl with a soft tiny voice came up to me in near tears and said she didn't know where her classroom was. When I asked her teachers name I could not understand what she was saying. So I figured I would walk with her to the other rooms and see if she recognized one of them. The first one we went to I asked the teacher if she belonged there. I got the feeling this little girl had already been to that room and the teacher knew she was lost and sent her down the hall (this was the first room in the hall, makes sense the girl would go there first). The teacher couldn't understand the name she was saying and said to me, "check the next room" and went back to talking to parents. O-K

She finally recognized her room and I made sure with the teacher that she belonged there. I understand that the teachers need to stay in the rooms once the kids come in if another adult isn't there, but I felt like the little girl was kind of brushed off TWICE by the same teacher. Anyone could clearly see the girl was a little scared. The teacher could have at least stood with her by the door to see if she recognized someone, or for another staff member to come by that could help her. There were kids all over the place in the hall, she shouldn't have been sent back in the hall to find the room herself. The girl came off a bus because she had a bus sticker on. I know an adult stands by the bus door to make sure the kids go to the area they line up in. But I don't understand why a new student, in kindergarten, alone on the second day of school didn't have more help from staff in the building. I kept thinking, what if this was Cameron that didn't know where to go and no adult helping her and she was scared? I just don't understand why in this first week there are not staff members in the kindy hall helping the child get to their class?? Maybe I am expecting too much from the school, I dunno. It's the 2nd day of school, ya know? The kindy kids are brand new to all this.

Hopefully the pick up today with me going through the car loop will work out and tomorrow will be a smoother beginning and end now that we know what do.

Aside from all that, Cameron was in a good mood yesterday when I picked her up and she seemed to really enjoy all the things they did. I am not sure why she didn't want to go back today??