Up With The Sun

Kitty now has a name. We have decided on Oliver - Oly for short. I am so in love with this little guy. We kept him in our room last night and kept the dog out. He slept on my shoulder most of the night with his head under my chin. I found out very quickly last night while trying to read in bed that he likes to rub faces and curl up in the crease of you elbow. I hope he stays a very affectionate cat.


It's just after 6:00 am. It's going to be a long day. The kitty woke me up at 5:15 and I couldn't resist playing with him a bit. Then I started thinking about things and couldn't go back to sleep. Cameron popped up just before 6:00 so here I am. I need to take advantage of the early start by getting my usual morning computer time in before hubby gets up for work. Then by the time he up I will be ready to make the bed, get the kitchen cleaned up, vacuum the living room and clean our bathroom. That will leave me plenty of time today to scan pictures of the wedding album I finished up Monday, make a card for it and get it wrapped and shipped today. I will need to call the vet to get the kitty in for a courtesy health check which has to be done no later than Saturday. That should leave a good portion of the day to play with the new baby.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute and he is going to have so much energy - be prepared. You may have a lot of early mornings.


Anonymous said...

What a cute name!!
