Library Day

This morning on our way to breakfast at IHOP Cameron said she wanted to go to the library. It has been my intention to take her for the past year to the preschool story times at the library, but I haven't done it yet. I know, bad Mommy. So we went this morning. It was her first time in the library and I couldn't believe how excited she was. I think she was amazed by all the books. I explained to her that she could take some to the table to look at and that we could choose some to take home and read. We talked about having to get a library card so that we could take books home and that we would bring them back in a few days and get some more. I was glad she asked to gave me that push to take her. The library is right next to our subdivision. I can't believe I waited so long to take her. And well of course I had my camera so here are some pictures.


Anonymous said...

awwwww! How adorable! That is great that she wanted to go to the library.

Wow - cards have changed since the last time I had one - hmmm when was that? Uh, I don't remember I think mine was either green or orange - ugh!