The Weekend

Ack! I was going through a little bit of internet withdrawal today. I haven't been able to get online since yesterday afternoon. Hubby has been fiddling with my lack of the internet connection all day and it looks like I need a new wireless card. I think hubby will be picking up a new one for me tomorrow. So in the meantime I will have to jump on his.

So this weekend I could I not believe the weather. It was pretty warm n Saturday and Sunday and although it was pretty out, it was a bit too warm for me for this time of year. Cameron spent the afternoon playing in the sprinkler to cool off from the 85 degree heat. It was suppose to reach 87 today, not sure if it did but 85 was hot enough. Ugh, I am just not ready for the heat. It's suppose to drop back into the 60's this week so that will be nice.

Friday I started a new book, A Child Called "it" and was actually able to finish it before the end of the night. Today I started reading the next book on my list which is Night. I didn't get very far with it today, but it's a short book and I hope to have it read by the middle of the week. I came across a book Saturday called A Piece Of Cake. I was just browsing through the school supply/magazine/book aisle of the grocery store and the cover struck me. It's a mighty fat book, but looks to be very interesting despite reviews I read of the bad writing. I would like to add this to my reading list and read it next.

Saturday afternoon we went to lunch as a family and hit a few stores on the way home. Then Saturday evening I picked up Dawn and we headed to Michelle's house for a night of cropping and some great food. We were there from 5:30 to midnight and the time went much too fast. I did get almost all my pages done for the wedding album gift I am making. It's a 6x6 and I over estimated the space I would have so I had to pitch a lot of my sketched layouts, but that's okay. I am still happy with the results. I need to add a few more embellishments and do about 4 more pages and then it will be ready to ship. I hope to get that done tomorrow. It's suppose to rain so I will probably be in for the day so it will be a good excuse to just get it finished.

Today was just a bum day. Hubby worked a bit in the yard while Cam was in the sprinkler and I did some picking up in the house. Then we watched the movie Wedding Crashers while Cameron napped. I have been really tired during the day this past week and today was no different. So I crashed for a couple hours this afternoon as well. I hope my body is just catching up from all the going I did while my parents were here. I hate being tired during the day.

So now we are waiting on some pizza and watching the Sunday night line up on TV. Home Make Over, Desperate House Wives and Greys Anatomy. After we eat I will probably work on rosaries while watching tv.