Wii Fit

I was finally able to snag a Wii Fit Plus today! Way Too HappyI have been waiting on the stores to get them in stock. Just before I left work I checked the Target web site (nada) and the Wal Mart web site and it said 2 stores (we have 4 in the area if you can believe it) have it in stock. I have seen the web sites show them to be in stock before and when I call they are actually out of them so I didn't get too excited. I called the closest of the 2 and sure enough they had them. Of course it is 5:00 traffic so it felt like it took forever to get to the store. I didn't ask them how many they had, but I think they only get 3 or 4 at a time so I felt like it would be my luck that someone picked up the last one right before I got there. So I do the best I can to safely get to the store, but still cussing at the drivers around me the whole way there. Road RageI walk briskly to the electronic section and spotted the box. THE box. As in the ONLY box. I snatched it up as quick as I could and checked out.

Now, how weird is it that I got my hands on a Wii Fit the very same day I decide to start counting calories? Open Mouth Maybe I can look at that as a good sign. Hubby and the kiddo have already set their character's up. I have yet to even touch the Wii game controller. I was relieved to find out you can put a password on your profile. I assume that means it will hide my weight information from everyone. Smile