Luggage Tags

Cameron and I will be on our way to the airport by 5am tomorrow! I did most of the packing last night and picked up a few things at the store this morning. Since I was ahead of schedule (I usually pack the day before I leave) I decided to whip up some luggage tags for our suitcases.

I had bought a couple 10 packs of badge tags at the dollar store several months ago and that is what I used to make these. I think they worked perfectly. The holes are already in the top and I tied ribbon through them. Our full address is on the tags, but I photo shoped them out for posting purposes. Here is one side:

This is the other side. I attached them to the suitcase handles using book rings.


Corie said...

These are so cute. Greta idea.

Corie said...

OOOPs I was supposed to say Great idea, not Greta.