More Than She Bargained For

A couple weeks ago my mom had gone for a stress test that was required in order for her to have a certain procedure. A couple days later when she got the results, it wasn't great news. They detected a blockage to heart and she was going to need a heart catheterization done. She met with the heart doctor and he told her she could do the volunteer work for Make a Wish, go camping for the week and then they would do her heart cath. In the meantime he gave her some new meds to take.

She did the Make a Wish weekend with no problems and the day after it ended we left to go camping for the week. Her feet were really swollen and she lacked energy. The lasted a couple days and we thought it was just the weekend catching up with her. Then she started complaining of being cold all the time even though it was really warm out and she grew more tired. We then thought it had to do with the new meds she was on. By the 4th day she was cold, tired, had no appetite and a little trouble breathing. My dad tried to get her to go to the hospital just to make sure everything was okay, but she is stubborn. She thought maybe she had pneumonia. 5:00 the next morning my dad was taking her to the ER. She was in pain and really struggling to breathe.

They weren't positive why she had fluid around her lungs and decided to do her heart cath a week early since she was already at the hospital. I went and sat with my dad and we all figured she would have the heart cath, they would fix the blockage and in a day she could go unfortunately it did not turn out that simple. They found 3 blockages and she was going to need a triple bypass.

The surgery was scheduled a couple days later and she did great. She had the surgery on a Wednesday and was out the following Monday. I am so glad I was here to be with my mom, lend support to my dad. She can't lift anything for like 2 months and can not drive either for that length of time so it is also great that I am here to be with her and help out while my dad is at work.

It was a big ordeal, but it runs in her family. Both of her parents and one of her brothers have had heart bypasses and her other brother has had a stint put in. I am glad it was caught and fixed and she can go on to heal.