I Won't Be Able To Wait

Cameron is getting a Wii from my parents and she has no idea. She is going to be so excited! We had one for a brief time about 3 years ago. Hubby had traded a computer he had built for it from some college kid that needed a computer more than a Wii. However, because my husband has the attention span of a 2 year old, he got bored of it and sold it (or maybe he traded it) for something else that I am sure he no longer has anymore either. Anyhow, she loves to play with the one my niece and nephew have when we go to Michigan, and now my parents have one as well and she played with theirs while we were home as well. So this one will be all hers to keep. My brother and sis in law have a Wii fit and I know she really likes the games you can play with it so I think I am going to use some of my Christmas money and buy the Wii fit to go with it.It is suppose to arrive on Monday and I can not wait to give it to her!