Snip Snip

Do you ever have one of those moments where you make a quick decision to do something drastic? I had one of those moments about 10 minutes ago.

Yes, that is my hair and no, I did not cut it all off - although many a times I wished I had the guts to. Because this section of my hair is now gone, I have bangs. I was trying to think back on the last time I had bangs and I can't really remember. I know it has been at least 12 years. Today I had bought some cutting sheers to trim up Cameron's hair and while I was putting them away in the bathroom I decided I wanted a little change. Less than 60 seconds later and 9 inches gone, I had bangs. :o) I like it and I wonder why I waited so long to have them. About 3 or so years ago I told the lady at the salon that I thought I would like to have bangs and she talked me out of it. Paashh!! I should have known not to listen to her.


Anonymous said...

Wooohooo! Can't wait to see the new do!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see it - that is something I would do too!