Diet Coke - Who Knew?

I have been searching the web for nutritious low point meals to make and came across a recipe for Diet Coke chicken. It had lots of raves and sounded quick and easy to make so I figured I would give it a try. YUM-O (I've been watching too much Rachel Ray). Here's the recipe

1 can Diet Coke
1 Cup Ketchup
1 pack boneless, skinless, chicken breast (I used 2 large pieces).

Put large deep skillet over med-high heat.
Add chicken breast.
Pour 1 can Diet Coke over top of chicken.
Pour 1 cup ketchup over chicken.
Mix ketchup and coke together a little in the pan.
Bring to a boil and let it cook for 3-5 minutes.
Cover with lid and simmer on low for 20-25 minutes.
Turn off burner and let set for 5 minutes for sauce to thincken.

That's it! OMG it was so tender and had such a yummy flavor! The ketchup and coke make like a sweet BBQ sauce. I think next time I might add some tomato paste or cut back a little on the coke. My sauce didn't thicken like I hoped it would, but I cut slits through the chicken so it would soak up the liquid good. Sounds weird, but it is oh so yummy! Cameron had a whole 3 oz piece.


Anonymous said...

I have heard this same thing done with turkey too.

Maybe you should use some E-V-O-O too....hehehehe