How's My Driving?

I was driving on a really busy street at lunch time today and I noticed a white truck a few cars up in front of me that had cut over to the other lane real quick - not something unusual. I tend to keep an eye on cars like this to make sure they are not just aggressive drivers that I need to stay clear of. Well this truck was swerving in and out of traffic and I don't mean your typical changing lanes when you get behind a slow car. This truck was whipping back and forth across 3 lanes of traffic. Twice she slammed on her brakes so hard she had to move over into another lane a little bit to avoid hitting the car in front of her. At one point the truck was behind me right on my bumper, then whipped into the lane on the right and cut right back in front of me so she could pass a car in the other lane and cut right back over there.

Well, she (yes, it was female driver) had one of those "How's my driving?" stickers on the back. After she had whipped out from behind me and then cut back over in front me I had had enough. I grabbed a pen and quickly wrote down the phone number and the number on the truck. I called and reported it. The truck was from an auto parts store. The operator asked for the street I was on, the time, the number of the truck, the sex of the drive and the city and state. She said she will send a report to the drivers supervisor which I am satisfied with, but if I hadn't had Cameron with me, I would have followed that lady right to her store and gone in to complain to the manager. That way I could tell someone exactly what I saw her doing. This lady was just crazy.


Melissia said...

Exactly! I think that lady was really lucky today that she didn't cause an accident and twice she put me and Cameron in a bad spot on the road. It would have been on like donkey kong if that lady so much as scratched my car.

Dawn said...

The drivers in this city are getting worse and our police are more scarce. Lucky for her Cam was with you.

ROFL at donkey kong too!

Jen said...

Donkey Kong *Snicker*

Good for your for calling it in. I've done the same myself. I had a semi cut me off once on an interstate entrance ramp. Two ramps merged into one, and he had teh yeild sign, but didn't even attempt to slow down. If I hadn't slammed on my brakes and swerved into the median, he would have knocked me clean across the highway. I caught up to him and copied down his "How's My Driving" number, then called it in when I got to work. Don't know if anything was done or not, but it made me feel better just to have done it.