It's Love Day

Happy Valentines Day, or as Joe would say, "Happy Love Day". Those with Blues Clues watchers in the house will know who Joe is. I don't get over hyped about this holiday. I look at it as a silly little holiday that I think is much more fun as a child in school. I loved making the paper bag mailboxes that we taped to our desks for everyone to drop those cheesy little valentines day cards in. And what would V-day be without those classic candy message hearts that we passed to friends and giggled about sayings we gave to the boys. Definitely a lot more fun as a child. I can not wait until Cameron starts school so I can make oober cool treats and cards for the class. For the kids it's a day to have cupcakes at school and celebrate friendships and everyone is happy.
As an adult it becomes a day of heartache for many or a day to go broke for the men. Interesting how things change when you get older, eh? I think it would be a much more fun day if everyone taped heart decorated paper bags to their front door and your friends and family went by dropping tiny cards in it that they bought in bulk at Walgreen's. Maybe drop some chocolate and candy hearts to the really special ones. Then everyone gets something and there is no need for heartache. Admit it, wouldn't that be totally more fun than worrying about if a man was going to remember you and blow good money on flowers that will die and candy that will make you fat? Or for the men, rushing around at the very last minute after work trying to scrounge up the last of the pickings in the grocery store only to have your girl bark at you for getting her withered roses and a Hershey bar.....the only chocolate left in the store. Paper bags I tell you. It should be a law.
Anyhow, it can still be a fun day for us with having a little girl in the house. Daddy had cuddly friends and chocolate waiting for her when she got up this morning. Oh and I can't forget the Sponge Bob card fully fun equipped with Sponge Bob stickers.

She knew that they were for Valentines Day with out us saying anything. We have been talking about the day coming and it is on our calendar so she was in tune with the day. For her it's about hearts, candy and specials on Nick Jr.
I should also mentioned that hubby did remember me too and that was sweet. Hope everyone is enjoying the day. If not, make yourself a paper bag mailbox and stop by Rite Aide and pick up a pack of cards and a 2 pound heart shaped box of chocolate half off. You go home, stuff your face with chocolate and sign the cards from your tv crushes to fill your mailbox. Super fun times!